We have opened!
After 6 months of construction on December 18th 2017 Jackie’s House has opened her doors! Seeds of Hope, Inc. has been organized to address the needs of the homeless population in and around Ross County, Ohio. It does so by offering but not limiting itself to emergency sheltering, transitional housing and a faith-based mentoring program.
We are located at 2170 Lunbeck Road, behind Open Door Ministries. Seeds of Hope has partnered with Hopewell Mental Health to better assist our residents. We can house up to 16 individuals at a time. We are a family shelter serving women, children and men with families. There will be ongoing case management. SOH will identify case-by-case, if clients need housing, recovery services, job skills training, life coaching, parenting classes and much more.
We are open and staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contact:Brenda Beard
Office and 24 hour line: 740-663-7005
Email: seedsofhopeohio@gmail.com